How Gratitude Works at Work
Published on February 29, 2016 at 7:27 pmIn 2014, Mark Zuckerberg, set a goal to write a daily handwritten (or emailed) thank-you note. Obviously, Mark was making an effort to take better care of others but he was also taking care of himself. Research indicates that people who practice gratitude report significant benefits: Lower blood pressure and stronger immune systems; more positive emotions such as ... View Article »
Bring your Halo to Interviews
Published on February 26, 2016 at 2:44 pmTry to get your arms around this: The most qualified applicant does not always get the job offer. Counterintuitive but true! Here’s why: The job offer most often goes to the applicant who genuinely connects with the hiring manager and demonstrates they will add balance and value to the existing team’s strengths and weaknesses. The above infographic demonstrates the power non-verbal ... View Article »